The Cleaning Blackhole
I've discovered the 8th wonder of the world. How can it be that when you are living with two toddlers, the more you clean up, the messier the house is?? This is a complete phenomenon to me. I swear I will pick up all the toys, various doo-dads the kids toddle out with from other rooms, like one sock, a VHS tape, the scotch tape, a pen, a toothbrush, one snow boot, a stapler, a towel from the bathroom, etc. etc. not to mention all the little plastic toys. And just as I put the last item away, I turn around and there's a whole selection of new doo-dads and toys laying all over the house. This happens everyday. Little Jesse now follows me around the house as I pick things up and right behind me is redistributing various items all over the house.
I could spend the whole day doing nothing else but picking things up off the floor and it would still never be clean. Amazing isn't it?
laughed out loud! I can just picture Jesse!
what about scrapbooking one page on this? Like take pictures, and make them into small photos when you print them, and talk about it? Anyway, it would be so funny to see all those items and see Jesse "helping" you!
Yeah. I should do before and after shots. Except that I don't think my camera can take a picture fast enough while the house is still clean. My camera has a 3 second delay and you wouldn't believe the damage that can be done in 3 seconds.
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