My Fantasy- a Nocturnal Nanny
Here's my fantasy... I wish I could hire a nanny to work the graveyard shift- only. In this fantasy, a very kind Mary Poppins type woman would arrive at our door at 10 pm. With a smile, she would enter our home and shoo my husband and I off to bed, "No worries dears, you go now and have a wonderful nights sleep. Sweet Dreams." My husband and I would retire to our bedroom and relax, read, maybe some other bedtime activities and fall into blissful slumber, resting assured that we will get a full nights sleep. Miss Mary Poppins would then stay up all night, maybe reading on the couch or quietly watching her favorite late night TV shows. Here's how she would earn her pay. If one or both boys woke up in the middle of the night, she would immediately enter their rooms, pat their backs, sooth them, stay awake with them as long as it takes for them to fall back to sleep- according to our past experience, this could take anywhere from 1 to 3 hours. If a one of them were to get sick in the middle of the night, Miss Mary would cheerfully clean up the mess, do the laundry and stay with them through the night if needed. All while Mommy and Daddy get there full 8 hours of sleep. Miss Mary would turn the coffee pot on before leaving at 7 am, with a cheerful goodbye until we see her again that night.
Hey it's my fantasy. I can dream can't I??
I totally want this for you too! I bet even one nite would make you into a new woman! :) :)
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