What Were We Thinking?

Tales From The Toddler Trenches

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Okay so I get both kids down for a nap and I'm really tired too, but instead of napping myself, I decide I'm going to try to get a little scrapbooking done. I'm sure I have at least an hour before one of them wakes up. I've been trying to start this cool accordian folded Valentine's card idea - a surprise gift for hubby. I get all my tools out on the table, I get my paper out, my various embellishments. I have my design idea worked out and ready to go. I get half way through the first panel of the card and it's looking really nice. I check the clock- still at least a half hour to go. All is quiet down the hall. I'm into this project and I like where it's going. I can't believe the kids are still sleeping and I'm actually going to get something done here. When all of a sudden I hear the electric garage door open up. What?! Oh no. Tom is home early from work. It's only 3:30! What the heck is he doing home. I frantically rush around the kitchen table, like a woman caught cheating with the pool boy, scooping up paper, pens, ribbon, rub-on letters, as fast as I can before he comes in. I get enough of it put away that he has no idea what I'm working on. He walks by me and as calmly as I can I say. "Hi, you're home early." He says, yeah, I don't feel so good." and he walks right past me without so much as a glance to the kitchen table. I'm sure that I could have left everything out and he wouldn't have even noticed. Makes me wonder...if a handsome yet scantily clad pool boy were next to me, would he have noticed that??
Oh well, so much for trying to get something creative done around here.


At 11:00 PM, Blogger marz said...

you are hilarious!!!


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